What did Del Webb do right?

Can't be all blind luck.  Del Webb did not follow reasonable construction procedures...but nothing bad happened?  How come?

First off note that a lot of this is conjecture.  Intelligent conjecture...but conjecture none the less.  It would require a very large sum to find any truth in this matter...and the concerned parties seek advantage rather than truth. 

Well Let's start by looking at what is thought to cause stucco problems.  From the Woodbury site:

Q. What causes the problems?

(We have struck out those unlikely in Sun City Summerlin. )

A. Window leaks are the cause of the majority of the damage but the causes may be many, including:

Perhaps stated positively....

Summarizing - In this climate Del Webb did enough correctly that stucco water damage is not a wide spread problem. 

So it is not a problem?